Friday, March 25, 2016

What is the mystery chemical?

Read Across America!

Basket Ball Game! Teachers vs ASC

Egg Hunt with our Kindergarten buddies!!

Ack News- 3/25

Today was a great week of learning! We were able to show incredible progress with fractions! Students are capable of adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators and we are now working on applying that to real word situations.  In science they found were able to identify a mystery chemical by following a procedure they were familiar with that included, saturation and weighing in grams. They worked tirelessly on their social studies projects and made some great gains in writing their narratives. 

We finished up the week with an egg hunt with our kindergarten buddies and making another solution with borax and water. The kids are excited to see what their pipe-cleaners will do if left in the cups over the weekend. 

Next week we start Smarter Balanced Reading assessment. It was supposed to begin Monday but due to some issues we will start Tuesday.  Students will take the test in their reading class in the morning for about an hour a day.  Students were asked to bring home a note to parents with 4 index cards attached. We are asking you to write positive, encouraging notes to your child that we will leave with them each day. We also ask that your child wear as much blue as they can each day starting Tuesday. 

There will be no homework next week. Students will practicing some foundation math skills and working on their Memory Book. 

Events to look forward to:
3/28  Red  Cross presentation
3/30 watching Newsies in afternoon

Friday, February 5, 2016

Animal Adaptations presentation

Mixtures and Solutions

Students finished up iReady testing and we are continuing to work on Algebra in Math. 

In science, they just completed a hands on assessment on what they learned so far in Mixtures and Solutions. Students needed to figure out how to separate a mixture of gravel, powder, and salt. They did awesome!

Geography Bee was this week! We had one finalist from our room- Congratulations Kelsey!!!! 

Please return music field trip forms as soon as possible!